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Tree canopy plans and strategies

City of Madison Urban Forestry Task Force

Final Report for Discussion and Review, 2019

Urban Tree Canopy Assessment Summary Report

From IU’s Environmental Resilience Institute

Kansas City, MO Urban Forest master Plan

“A City within a Park”

From the KC Parks & Rec. Dep’t, 2018

Evanston Tree Preservation Permits

June 1, 2024 Tree Preservation Ordinance

Tree Canopy Cover Maps

St. Louis Tree Inventory

Interactive map of city street trees.

​Dane Co. Canopy Cover Priorities

A tool to build climate resilience from the Capital Area Regional Planning Comm’n

​Madison Street Tree Map

Interactive map of city street trees.

Indiana Green City Mapper

​A spatial database of urban green infrastructure (incl. trees and tree canopy) and climate-change related data.

Indy Tree Canopy Planner

An online map to view, plan, and grow the urban forest in Indy.

Growing Shade

An interactive tool to assess, preserve, and expand tree canopy in Dane County, Wisconsin

Urban Heat IslanD

St. Louis Climate

Vulnerability Assessment

An overlay of social vulnerability on the Climate Hazards Reporting

Extreme Heat Risks in Dane Co.

Climate projections from the University of Wisconsin, WI Heat Health Network & More

Community Engagement Tools

SAVI Topic Profiles

​A tool used in Indianapolis to map information in an easy and accessible manner for the community on a range of topics.

Heat and Vulnerability in St. Louis Story Map

These GIS tools use graphics, maps, and data to tell compelling and engaging stories.

Planning for the Future In Wisconsin Story Map

These GIS tools use graphics, maps, and data to tell compelling and engaging stories.

Keep Indianapolis Beautiful’s One-Stop-Shop for Learning

Community knowledge, skills, and tolls to care for people and nature. Here you will find resources, programs and actionable tips to help you create a cleaner, greener Indianapolis.

research on Heat & Trees

Resistance to Tree-Planting in Detroit

"Green Infrastructure Solutions to Health Impacts of Climate Change: Perspectives of Affected Residents in Detroit, MI"


Christine Carmichael, Cecelia Danks, and Christine Vatovec

October 2019

Rising Heat Wave Trends in Large U.S. Cities

“We examine changes in four heat wave characteristics from 1961 to 2010, frequency, duration, intensity, and timing, in 50 large US cities.”


Dana Habeeb, Jason Vargo, and Brian Stone Jr.

January 2015

Tree PLanting Organizations

Forest ReLeaf of Missouri

Planting trees and enriching communities

Keep Indianapolis Beautiful 

Engagin diverse communities to create vibrant public places, helping people, and nature thrive

Bridging The Gap

Making the KC region sustainable by connecting environment, economy, and community

Dane County Tree Canopy Collaborative

Maintaining, protecting, and expanding public and private tree canopy across Dane County where ecologically appropriate. 


Washington University
Campus Box 1095
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899


Website created by Ava Hartman and Emilie Johnson, Environmental Resilience Institute at Indiana University fellows (class of 2023)

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